Now Hiring!

We are now hiring for several positions. Find below detailed information and read thoroughly as each position has specific criteria for applicants. We will not be accepting applications outside the mentioned Local Unions or Regions. Application process and bootcamp requirements for all job postings is located at the bottom of this page. We look forward […]

International Surfaces Event

The International Surfaces Event (TISE) is held annually and brings together manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and industry professionals from around the globe to showcase new products, technologies, and innovations. The event serves as a significant platform for networking, education, and collaboration, ultimately benefiting the construction industry in various ways. Alongside the exhibition and educational sessions, TISE […]

Veteran Spotlights!

In honor of this veterans day we want to recognize the sacrifice and contributions made by our Brothers and all veteran’s. Their dedication to protecting our freedoms and ensuring our safety is a testament to their courage and commitment. Veterans have come from diverse backgrounds and have faced unique challenges, yet share a common bond […]

Get Out and Vote

Construction workers play a vital role in shaping our cities and infrastructure, yet our voices often go unheard. Voting is one of the most powerful tools we have to influence decisions that directly affect our lives, such as labor laws, wages, safety regulations, and health care. Elections determine who will make critical decisions about public […]


The NABTU 2024 Trades Women Build Nation Conference was held in New Orleans with over 5,000 Tradeswomen, industry professionals, and union leaders from across the United States and Canada in attendance. This years theme was “Let the good jobs roll” which captured the spirit of New Orleans and the importance of creating sustainable, well-paying jobs […]

STAR Awards Event

The DC16 STAR Awards Event was a huge success! Over 4,000 members and their families attended the awards event held in Pleasanton, CA and over 450 attended the awards event in Las Vegas, NV. Many walked away with some great prizes such as gift cards, play stations, iPads, cars, trucks and more. Thank you to […]

IUPAT 33rd General Convention!

The IUPAT 33rd General Convention brought together over 1,000 members, delegates and leadership. Delegates had the opportunity to hear powerful stories from our brothers and sisters, vote on resolutions presented, and proudly re-elect IUPAT General President Jimmy Williams Jr. and the entire General Executive Board. Everything we do is to better the lives of every […]

2024 Walter Cantrell Scholarship

District Council 16 is proud to invest in the future of our Families! District Council 16 is accepting applications for the Walter Cantrell Scholarship to the dependents of any District Council 16 member in good standing, to receive a $2,000 Walter Cantrell Scholarship. You must apply and submit an application, please read the rules and […]

DC16 PATCH Golf Tournament

IUPAT Painters and Allied Trades for Children’s Hope Foundation (PATCH) The Annual DC16 PATCH Golf Tournament was a huge success bringing together Local Union Brothers & Sisters, DC16 Providers and Signatory Contractors. By participating in the tournament, players not only engage in a fun and challenging sport but also help raise funds for important children […]

Securing More Work!

Brothers and Sisters, Rich Morales, LU1176 Business Rep and I attended the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) signing with the Alameda Building Trades for the New Hospital Building Project at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland. This agreement will prioritize local hire and ensure the most skilled and trained are put to work on the project and […]

We can achieve when we unite!

We are thrilled to announce a significant victory for our Building Trades Unions. On Tuesday, May 14th, in the City of Mountain View, we secured increased work opportunities for our members and successfully landed another Citywide Project Labor Agreement (PLA). Despite facing vigorous opposition and extensive lobbying to persuade City Council members to vote against […]

IUPAT Town Hall

ONE UNION. ONE FAMILY. ONE FIGHT ! Over 400 members attended the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) Town Hall at our Southern Nevada local union location and virtually via zoom watch parties! The goal was to engage with our members and discuss important issues facing our union and our membership. It also […]


This year’s AFL-CIO California Joint Legislative Conference theme was UNIONIZE CALIFORNIA! The annual conference brought together labor leaders, union members, policymakers, and other stakeholders to discuss critical issues facing the labor movement and develop strategies for advancing workers’ rights and interests in the state. It serves as a platform for networking, education, and advocacy, providing […]

National Apprenticeship Week 2023

Brother Joseph Witherspoon is a 3rd generation Glazier, both his grandfather and father had successful careers as Union Glaziers. When asked why is your apprenticeship important to you, he said “For me, it was the best opportunity to join anywhere in the workforce. It gave me skills I can use on passion projects and missions […]

Honoring DC16 Veterans!

Taylor WessonLocal Union 12Floor Coverer Air Force Taylor served in the Air Force from 2009 to 2015 as Security Forces on several tours overseas, one of them being in Afghanistan. Taylor is a 2nd generation Floor Coverer, following in the foot steps of his father who is a retired member of Local 12 Being in […]


Calling All Paperhangers! District Council 16 is seeking to hire Paperhangers. If you are interested in great wages, benefits and working in the Las Vegas area, please contact Keith Markland at (702)741-0555 for more information.

Walter Cantrell Scholarship!

District Council 16 is proud to invest in the future of our Families! District Council 16 is accepting applications for the Walter Cantrell Scholarship to the dependents of any District Council 16 member in good standing, to receive a $2,000 Walter Cantrell Scholarship. You must apply and submit an application, please read the rules and […]


Calling ALL MEMBERS! 📢 The annual IUPAT DC16 Community Day of Action is this Saturday, May 13th, 2023!  Please see below flyer where you will find a VAC event nearest you! You may visit our VAC Calendar for the event coordinators contact information and register your participation prior to the event. All events on this […]

IUPAT Scholarships Available!

The IUPAT offers two scholarships to students pursuing an educational degree at an academic institution of their choice. All sons, daughters, and legal dependents of IUPAT members in good standing are eligible to apply for the scholarship awards listed below. All applicants must submit an essay, not less than 1,000 words or more than 2,000 […]

DC16 Health Plan

Please join us on Wednesday, February 15th HS&BA will be providing an educational presentation on the Health plans provided by our TPA (HS&BA). The goal of this presentation and Townhall is to provide our members with the resources and tools available to them and their family. The Zoom credentials and topics are below. All Slides […]

Learn About Your Retirement Plan!

Calling all Northern California Members! If you are interested in learning more about your retirement plan, please join us at the upcoming Retirement Education Meeting! Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 Spanish Meeting: 4:00 P.M.English Meeting: 5:00 P.M. District Council 16 Training Center2020 Williams Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 Participating in your retirement plan can be one […]

Carlos Flores appointed to School Board!

Here at District Council 16, we are very excited to announce that one of our own has been appointed to the Vallejo City Unified School District Board of Trustees! “I applied for and was appointed to sit on the Vallejo City Unified School District (VCUSD) board as the Trustee for Area 1.  In this position, […]

Walter Cantrell Scholarship!

District Council 16 is proud to invest in the future of our families! We are now accepting applications for the Walter Cantrell Scholarship. Dependents of any DC16 member in good standing, may apply to receive a $2,000 Walter Cantrell Scholarship by following the application, rules and guidelines. Please submit your application post marked no later […]

Calling All Women!

Are you looking for a career you can make a living wage, receive great benefits and retirement? A career in the Trades may be just what you’re are looking for! Visit to register online to connect with a coordinator to learn what being in the construction trades is all about.

Flooring Master Agreement Vote!

District Council 16 Northern California Floor Coverers Master Agreement ratification vote will be held on 5/26/2022 from 6am to 5pm. Management has approved their last best and final proposal of a 1 year contract with a $4.00 per hour increase. Please see below for contract and voting locations. District Council 16 Leadership recommends this proposal.

Sign-Up Today!

The SCT Introduction to District Council 16 and The Finishing Trades Associations is now available for you to register online at . Starting July 2022 SCT is the only qualifying class that counts for participation in the annual STAR Event. In order to attend the 2023 Annual STAR Event this class must be taken. […]

Your Vacation Pay – OE Federal Credit Union

OE Federal Credit Union processes all vacation pay for your Local Union.  Vacation Pay on deposit at the Credit Union that is not accessed at least onetime within a 12-month period becomes “dormant” and subject to escheatment.  State Law requires all accounts that do not have member contact in a three or more year period […]

Walter Cantrell Winners!

Congratulations to the 2021 Walter Cantrell Scholarship Winners! We wish you all the best in your pursuit to further your education. District Council 16 is proud to invest in the future of our families! The Walter Cantrell Scholarship is meant for dependents of any DC16 member in good standing and may apply to receive a […]

LU 718 Business Rep Position

Dear Member, Please be advised that District Council 16 is seeking to appoint a Business Representative among the membership of District Council 16, Glaziers and Glass Workers Local Union 718. For you information please see the attached link to the District Council 16 Business Representative’s Job Description. If you are interested in applying for the […]

2021 Stepping-Up Awards!

Congratulations to our Top Painters & Glaziers for winning the 2021 NCPFC & NCGMA Stepping-Up Awards! You exemplify High Performance / High Value through your hard work and dedication to your craft. NCGMA NCPFC #ProfessionalFinishers #HighPerformance #HighValue #WeAreUnion To View Full Document CLICK HERE.

STAR Awards Event!

The STAR Program was designed entirely for you, our Membership! It allows us all to be more successful in our crafts by helping to build the skills you need to get ahead! For those that took the time to take STAR Training classes and have qualified for the STAR Awards Event, we look forward to […]

Help the Oakland A’s!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,If you are an Oakland Resident CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION! The Oakland A’s are a long-time provider of thousands of good union jobs that are critical to Oaklanders and their families. The A’s are planning to move from their current home at the Oakland Coliseum to a new, privately financed ballpark […]

Walter Cantrell Scholarship

District Council 16 is proud to invest in the future of our families! We are now accepting applications for the Walter Cantrell Scholarship. Dependents of any DC16 member in good standing, may apply to receive a $2,000 Walter Cantrell Scholarship by following the application, rules and guidelines. Please submit your application post marked no later […]

Revised Northern California Glaziers Ratification

Mgt. has given their revised proposed offer for the Northern CA Glaziers Master Agreement. Please click the attached link or visit for the value, bullet list of proposed changes, voting locations and times. Any member can vote at any of the noted locations.  Click HERE for a Summary of proposed changes. Click HERE for […]

Register for Member Mobile Portal!

We are excited to announce that your Over-The-Counter Dues can be paid on our Redesigned website at on the “Pay Member Dues” Tab! This process will allow our members the flexibility and ease to pay your Over-The-Counter Dues in real time, while staying up-to-date with all the News & Events of DC16 and your […]

Glaziers Become AGMT Certified!

As the Architectural Glass & Metal Technician Certification gains traction and becomes required more on projects moving forward, don’t be left behind without this crucial certification. To qualify for the AGMT certification you will need to have: a minimum of 5 years & 7,500 working hours in the glazing trade (to be confirmed through HS&BA) […]


Dear Member, District Council 16 JATTF is seeking to hire an Instructor from amongst our membership representing all our Crafts. If you are interested in applying, please email your resume no later than Friday, April 2nd by 3:30pm to Liz Herrera at All applicants that have submitted their resume will be invited to attend a […]

IUPAT Hosts Presidential Candidate Joe Biden

We are only 6 days away from Election Day on Tuesday, November 3rd. Tonight @ 5:15 pm EST, Vice President Joe Biden will be speaking to IUPAT members about his plans to stimulate the economy and create more job opportunities for workers in the building trades. Critical issues are on the ballot this year, including: […]

Tradeswomen Build Nations

Good morning All! “The peculiarities of the construction workplace have been used to excuse the industry’s failures to implement equal opportunity for women. But construction industry leaders who have succeeded in integrating women have shown that the same diversity “best practices” that work in other industries work in the construction environment.” -Unfinished Business: Building Equality […]

Taking a Knee For Change

Join the SF Labor Council and Bay Area Labor in a solidarity action for racial and economic justice Saturday at 10 am. We will meet at Rockridge BART Station at 11 AM. #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd #JusticeforAhmaudArbery #JusticeforBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter #SFlabor #1u