Gong Xi Fa Cai! (Gung hay fat choy) Happy Lunar New Year and welcome to the year of the Snake. Local 3 will be participating in the 2025 Oakland Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade, Saturday, February 22nd, 2025, from 11:00-1:00pm at Wilma Chan Park. 810 Jackson St. Oakland CA. This will be a VAC event […]
Posted octubre 1, 2024
The NABTU 2024 Trades Women Build Nation Conference was held in New Orleans with over 5,000 Tradeswomen, industry professionals, and union leaders from across the United States and Canada in attendance. This years theme was “Let the good jobs roll” which captured the spirit of New Orleans and the importance of creating sustainable, well-paying jobs for women in the trades. Some of the key topics where inclusiveness for all, the ongoing skilled labor shortage, the upcoming presidential election and how women rights will be affected. During the conference we heard from a handful of notable speakers.
- President Joe Biden spoke to us via video call speaking of his accomplishments for the unions and how it is important we get V.P. Kamala Harris elected to continue supporting worker rights.
- Acting Secretary, US Department of Labor Julie Su spoke to us about the importance of strengthening the partnership between labor unions and industry leaders and to create pathways into quality construction careers.
- President of the North American Building Trades Union Sean McGarvey spoke on the collaboration and the resilience of the workforce. Investing in our people and embrace innovative solutions, we can build a stronger more sustainable construction industry.
- Dr. Christine Yu Moutier, Chief Medical Officer, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention spoke on the awareness of mental health in construction trades and rates of suicide in the industry.
- Vicky O’Leary, Chair NABTU Tradeswomen Committee emphasized how important it is to foster a sisterhood, being all inclusive, recruitment strategies, and networking with others to see what works.
En el Caucus by Trades escuchamos al médico de cabecera de la IUPAT, Jimmy Williams, y su mensaje fue que, aunque estamos progresando, debemos hacer más en materia de contratación y retención de mujeres. Además, escuchamos a un puñado de oradores del comité de mujeres de IUPAT y del comité LGBTQ. Jimmy también reconoció a los miembros de los comités por logros especiales. Las sesiones de trabajo versaron sobre el cambio de políticas y leyes para apoyar a las mujeres.
One of the panelist was IUPAT Liz McElroy, spoke to representatives from our unions who are promoting good policies to support tradeswomen. Another breakout session was Fostering respect on the job. They introduced the new RESPECT program which will address the industries issues such as harassment, bullying, verbal abuse, jobsite facility cleanliness, and issues around working mothers.
Esta conferencia aporta valor a nuestros locales porque podemos comprender cómo se trata a las mujeres en el trabajo. Podemos transmitir un mensaje a nuestros hermanos miembros de que debemos comenzar a ser mentores de nuestras hermanas y no alienarlas. Creo que a esta conferencia también deberían asistir algunos miembros masculinos, para que puedan comenzar a difundir lo que escucharon a otros hermanos en el campo. El desfile es un momento destacado para nuestras hermanas y para mí, ya que muestra unidad y solidaridad.