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Posted abril 29, 2022

La SCT Introducción al Consejo Distrital 16 y las Asociaciones de Oficios de Acabado ya está disponible para que se registre en línea en https://www.dc16star.org/ . A partir de julio de 2022, SCT es la única clase calificada que cuenta para participar en el Evento STAR anual. Para asistir al Evento Anual STAR 2023 se debe tomar esta clase. Esta nueva clase reemplaza a Survival of the Fittest como su calificador STAR. Consulte el folleto a continuación para obtener más información.


The Election is just a few weeks away

The Election is just a few weeks away. I am sure everyone is sick of hearing about it but it is crucial that we get labor friendly candidates in office to keep us working and to hold the rights that the generations before us fought so hard for us to have. Below is a complete […]

octubre 23, 2024

Voting makes a difference

Napa Project Labor agreements on the horizon! On Tuesday October 15th, the delegates of the Napa/Solano Building Trades presented the benefits of a Project Labor Agreement to the Napa Board of Supervisors. The presentation was well received, and the Board agreed to schedule a 1 project test PLA for the County to see how things […]

octubre 23, 2024