Calling All Production Workers!

Posted June 16, 2023

Dear Members of Local 1621, 

As some of you may know, the Production Workers Agreement is up September 30th of this year. I have sent out multiple messages and have talked about it in our Regular Union Meeting meetings. We have not received very many responses with your wants and needs through the surveys. So, if you are a Production worker, please reach out to me and let me know what you want in your agreement. We have gotten Strike Sanctions approved at the Building Trades and will be ready to Strike if negotiations take us that way. 

I would like to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day long weekend and to enjoy your Monday off with your families. In our agreement Monday is a Designated Day Off. 

As for the Northern California Glaziers Master Agreement the vote to allocate your $2.00 dollar raise for January 2024 was on Tuesday June 13th. The winning option that won is below.

Option 1   Increase of $2.00/ IUPAT Alt 2 Schedule       

(Retirement age 55 at 60,000 hours, 1.00% Accrual Rate and Special Early Retirement at age 60 with 54,000 hours and early retirement with early retirement at age 65 with 3%.)

– $ 1.00 Glaziers Annuity

– $ 0.40 to the Taxable Net Wage                                             

– $ 0.10 IUPAT Pension (5% mandatory increase per IUPAT Constitution)

– $ 0.10 IUPAT Pension (Alt 2 schedule rehab IUPAT)

– $ 0.05 Glaziers Wage Equality

– $ 0.35 Health & Welfare


Brett Davis

District Council 16

South Bay Regional Director

Business Representative Local 1621

