Dear Members of Local 507, Please see the information below for the opportunities for your kids that are going to college. Taller de Redacción de Preguntas de Percepción Personal (PIQ) ¡Prepárate para aprobar tus solicitudes universitarias! Únase a nuestros talleres de UC PIQ y conozca los secretos internos para escribir un ensayo PIQ destacado directamente […]
October 07, 2024Special Called meeting
Posted June 6, 2023
Hello fellow Brothers & Sisters of Local 767,
Work has been great in the Sacramento Region. Our out-of-work list has been fairly empty which is a sign of a great season. With that said, please remember to stay hydrated and remember to take your rest periods to stay safe. If you are not working, please remember to call our office at 916-393-2742 extension 3 to talk to Puni so we can put you on the out of work list and help you get back to work.
We are still on the look out to get more Apprentices into our Local. There is a need for Apprentices right now so if you know someone who is interested in beginning a great career please give them our information and have them reach out or come into the office.
A notice has been mailed out to Journeyman and Apprentice Glaziers letting you know there is a Special Called meeting on Tuesday June 13th for the purpose of voting on the proposed wage allocation for the Glaziers Master Agreement. This is very important to be a part of; this is the time to decide what you want to do with your upcoming raise. The Special Called Meeting will be on June 13th at 6:00pm at our office at 7111 Governors Circle.
Please also remember that our General Membership Meeting is always held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month and is a great time for you to network and meet your brothers and sisters. Please be part of the team and learn what is happening in your Local.
Dennis has been doing a great job putting together VAC events for our area there are several opportunities for you to attend events with your Local plus you earn the opportunity to attend the annual VAC dinner with a great raffle. The Memorial Day event in Sacramento had a wonderful turn out. Thank you to all that attended and gave respects to our Veterans.
As usual I’m here for all your questions or concerns and I can be contacted at 916-402-4203.
John Tweedt
Regional Director / Business Rep LU 767