Your Job Could Depend On It!

Posted April 8, 2022

Register to vote, your job could depend on it

Primary Election Day is coming quickly, June 7, 2022, to be exact.  Are you registered to vote?  Voting allows you make a difference and have your voice heard.  We can help elect friend of Labor who support unions and Project Labor Agreements (PLA).  We need to elect the people who are pro union and pro worker.  If the state of California ever went “Right to Work” we would lose all we have worked for.  If you are not registered and would like to vote in the June Primary, please see the information below and come join us on April 21st.  If you can’t make it, please see the link below and register online.  The deadline to register to vote is May 23, 2022.

Did you register to vote? ….No

Do you want to?…Yes

Do you need help?…Maybe

Do you like pizza?…OF COURSE!!!

Stop by 7111 Governors Cir in Sac.

April 21st, 2022

5-7pm for Dinner and Registration

Please RSVP 916-393-2742

 If your schedule won’t allow you to make it to the pizza party you can register to vote by Clicking HERE

