Work Outlook

Posted December 23, 2021

Happy holidays Brothers and Sisters,

 I hope everyone is having a great holiday season and enjoying time with their family.

The work outlook in Sacramento has picked  up and a lot of these projects fall under  PLA ‘s or CWTA’s . A couple of the upcoming projects are Aggie Square , UC Davis Replacement Tower and the new Capital Annex. If you need any leads on upcoming projects and employers that may be hiring please contact me at 916-402-4203 . Also  please make  sure that the first working day of the month you call the Local Union Hall and get put on the “Out of Work List “ if you are not working. There are lots of other large projects scheduled over the next 16 to 18 months and a lot of manpower will be needed in the Sacramento area.

Please be safe and remember to try to attend the next union meeting, safe travels!

