We Need Your Input!

Posted February 2, 2023

Dear Members of Local 83,

I would like to remind everyone about the Painters contract ending this June, and It’s coming up quickly! I will be visiting jobsites to get input from you to see what you would like in the new contract. But the best way to make sure your ideas are heard is by attending our local monthly meetings on the second Thursday of every month. The next meeting will be on Thursday February 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM. Painters, we encourage you to attend as your suggestions for your upcoming contract are needed. 

The Sonoma Valley Unified School District recently approved a PLA for all construction projects undertaken during the next five years costing more than $212,500. This is a great start to the year that will help create more work locally. Below you will find a link to a News Commentary Editorial regarding the many benefits of Project Labor Agreements. This informative article was written by a long term (decades) advocate for working families and the Labor Movement, Marty Bennett.


Lastly, if you are not working, remember to get on the out-of-work list. A new list starts the first working day of every month. You can call or come into the office to put yourself on the list.

Brent Hudson
Business Representative
Local Union 83


Help has arrived!!

It has been well documented that workers in construction are struggling with mental health challenges along with substance abuse, alcoholism and suicide (construction has the highest rate of suicide). The IUPAT helping hands has created a recovery night for members and their families to attend on Thursday October 3, 2024, in San Leandro @ 5:30pm. […]

September 09, 2024

33rd General Convention

Brothers and Sisters, I hope this finds you well. The convention kicked off with a touching speech from our sister, who talked about how proud she is of her journey as an apprentice and the personal growth she’s experienced. We covered a lot about the challenges brought by COVID-19 and how IUPAT temporarily waived dues […]

September 09, 2024