PLA Man Hours!

Posted February 28, 2022

Brothers and Sisters,

Recently Joe Biden signed an executive order on use of Project Labor Agreements on Federal Projects. This is a huge deal for us because this will guarantee our membership more work. There is a plan to spend a lot of money on infrastructure projects. There are a lot of man hours on these projects for our Industrial Painters.

With that being said, we will probably be shorthanded when we start to see these projects come out. Our contractors sometimes pass up on bidding projects because they don’t think they will be able to man it when it comes time to get the work done. We must be able to man these jobs when the time comes. This is a big opportunity for our Commercial Painters that would like to enhance their skills set.

If you are interested in becoming a Hybrid Commercial/Industrial Painter, please reach out to me. We will be working with the training department to get those interested, certified in CAS. This is a certification that will bring you and the contractors more value. If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about this, call me directly at (916) 696-1106.

William  Gonzalez 
District Council 16 
Local Union 487

