Never Too Late to Get Involved

Posted May 19, 2023

Last Saturday was the IUPAT Community Day of Action and DC16 members did not disappoint! Our Local 83 event was a park clean up at Howarth Park. We teamed up with the City of Santa Rosa and several other volunteers to beautify this amazing community park.

Volunteering is an excellent way to contribute to society and make a lasting impact on our community. By giving your time, skills, and resources to support various causes, you are helping to improve the world we live in.

If you didn’t make it out to this event, there are always several family friendly VAC events to participate in and give back to the community. Check back here to view the VAC Calendar or check in with your local for any upcoming events!

Many of you have been asking and now Local 83 has just received new long sleeve shirts! Come in and claim yours today or come to the monthly member meeting and grab a shirt there. Call the hall for details!

Brent Hudson

Business Representative

Local 83

