Work Outlook – Amid The Pandemic..

Posted October 23, 2020

Unfortunately with the COVID 19 pandemic we have not had many events take place as the VAC is closed and most other events have been canceled. Which includes canceling our Annual Holiday Party, We did rebook for next year as we had already made the deposit back in February. In doing so we were given this year’s prices for next year’s event, this was the decision of the Party Committee.

When the pandemic started I know a lot of our members were laid off most of them temporarily, I have been asked many times the amount of 169 members that were laid off and my answer is I have a rough idea only, as most of our members that were not working never notified the Hall. This information could be very useful to fully assess the magnitude of this situation.  I ask we all keep this in mind for any future layoffs.

There is a lot of work going on not only in Oakland but all over the East Bay region, I hope this trend continues into next year and beyond. In July 2021 our current contract expires, I would like everyone to start thinking of what they may want not only pay wise but conditions as well, such as High pay, travel pay, tools or anything that you want to add too or change.


718 Holiday Party

A great time was had by all aboard the Pinot Noir yacht! We drank We ate We danced We toured the bay If you missed it this year, be sure to register next year!

January 14, 2025

Refresher Course!

Brothers and sisters, Please see below for refresher courses, remember that all painters need to have the following certifications valid to be dispatched starting January 1st, 2025. Please read the information below and do not hesitate to contact me at 831-673-1705 – Fall Protection (USACE EM385), including Ladder Safety – Mobile Elevated Worker Platforms (Booms & […]

January 10, 2025