Education is a Must

Posted August 15, 2022

Brothers and Sisters,

Well it looks like we have almost made it through another summer. As our children are heading back to school to expand there education so should we. As of January 1, 2023 the new contract state that your certification that are listed in the Northern California Glaziers Master Agreement must be completed to be dispatched to a employer. Please go to the STAR website and enroll in the classes you need as soon as possible. The SCT class in Sacramento is full but it looks like we will be scheduling another one in early 2023.

In September, we will be having another retiree’s lunch so if you are retired, please contact the hall and RSVP.

In closing I would like to congratulate all of the Apprentices that graduated this year. Please help mentor these new Journey Workers because they are our future.

Please remember that Local 767’s Union Meeting are the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:00 pm.


John Tweedt

Regional Director DC16/LU767

