Bylaws & Boot Camps

Posted March 24, 2021

By-law voting and upcoming Boot-Camps:


District Council 16 will be having our Annual By-laws voting on April 9th, members can vote at any posted location and it will be a drive- thru vote from 10am-6pm. Following the approval of the District Council By-laws we will be mailing out the notification of our Local 376 By-laws that will be voted on under the same drive-thru process on a date to be determined later.

Boot Camps:

District council 16 will be hosting an Organizers Boot-Camp on the weekend of April 16-18,2021 at the Livermore facility to hire for the Organizing Department to work on the District Council 16 Staff.

Apprenticeship School Boot-Camp is scheduled for Saturday the 24th of April. They will be hiring for instructor positions.

Please check out the main page for full details under news and events.

