It has been well documented that workers in construction are struggling with mental health challenges along with substance abuse, alcoholism and suicide (construction has the highest rate of suicide). The IUPAT helping hands has created a recovery night for members and their families to attend on Thursday October 3, 2024, in San Leandro @ 5:30pm. […]
September 09, 2024Attention Members Local 567 has a New President!
Posted April 19, 2024
Brothers and Sisters, we are proud to announce our newly elected president Brother Barry Williams. Brother Williams started his journey in the union 24 years ago in the year 2000. He was a painting instructor for local 77 in Utah for 4 years and transferred to local 567 in 2006. Since coming to reno he as been a foreman for the biggest contractors in our area and worked on high profile jobs. Berry is a great leader and dedicated to his union. His high-performance high-value mentality makes him the idea candidate to represent our trades. If you see him around on the job, please introduce yourself and welcome him in as the new president of our local.
In Solidarity,
Chris O’Flaherty
LU567 Business Representative