Posted June 2, 2023

Brothers and Sisters,

Hope everyone is doing well. On Friday June 16th, 2023 from 6am until 5pm we will be holding a wage allocation vote for the January 1st, 2024 increases for the Drywall Finishers and the Glaziers at the Local Union Hall 4650 E Weathermaker Ave Fresno Ca. We will be sending out reminder post cards through USPS and also will be notifying all Glaziers and Drywall Finishers through the DC16 UNITE text and E Mail system. Please be sure to stop by and vote for 1 of the three choices picked by the Local Union 294 Executive Board.

Painters and Floor Coverers DC16 Leadership are continuing Negotiations on your Northern California Painters and Floor Covering Master Agreements. Once negotiations are completed and the members ratify the agreements, we will start the process of negotiating the Sacramento and Fresno Addendums to those Master Agreements. YOU HAVE A VOTE ON THE MASTER AGREEMENTS SO WHEN NOTIFIED SHOW UP AND VOTE! We will also be sending out surveys for your wants in the addendum through the UNITE text and Email system beginning Monday June 5th, 2023. The surveys will also be available at our Local Union and at the next Regular Union Meeting on Tuesday June 6th, 2023.

Thank you to everyone that participated in our IUPAT DAY OF ACTION VAC EVENT at the Visalia Miracle League and Also to those who attended the VAC event showing support for the Fresno Unified School District Teachers and Employees Union (otherwise known as FTA). Please continually check the DC16 Website at under VAC Calendar for more upcoming events!

In Unity

Jeffery B Roberts


Opportunities for your Kids!

Dear Members of Local 507, Please see the information below for the opportunities for your kids that are going to college. Taller de Redacción de Preguntas de Percepción Personal (PIQ) ¡Prepárate para aprobar tus solicitudes universitarias! Únase a nuestros talleres de UC PIQ y conozca los secretos internos para escribir un ensayo PIQ destacado directamente […]

October 07, 2024


We are running our core classes in October like in the past. Classes are from 6 a.m. until 2 p.m. unless otherwise noted. No STAR Credit is available for these extra classes. Core 1 October 7-10– OSHA30-must attend all four days, Monday thru Thursday Core 2 October 14-17– 1st aid/CPR/AED Monday thru Thursday(1day)– Silica Monday […]

October 07, 2024