A Little bit of Everything

Posted July 14, 2023

Brothers and Sisters,

I hope this article finds you working and you and your family beating the heat. Some of you are aware that Bay Area Painters are on strike. As I’m writing this article, they (7/14/23) are voting on a 3rd contract proposal. The main issue is that they have not been offered enough for wages and they made it very clear by turning down the past 2 offers. They have been on strike since July 1st and on the strike line since July 3rd. On July 12th BM/ST Robert Williams held a town hall for all painters and it was made clear that they will not take less than what they feel they are worth. The new STAR’s schedules are out for July through December 2023, you can find it at dc16star.org/calendar/. We are getting dates to negotiate the Sacramento Floor Covering Addendum and when we have proposed a contract to vote on, we will notify you by text and email. Please make sure that the local has your current contact info. If you’re not sure, please call the office at (916)393-2742.

 Most of you know our Admin Puni Goforth, she recently was transferred to the Vallejo office. I would like to thank her for all her hard work and for how she quickly became part of the Local 1237 family. In closing I would like to wish the following brothers a very happy birthday;

July Birthdays:

Keith Gums, Gus Cooksey, Tim Morgan, Vince Echeverria,

Frank Hill, Allen Calson, Charles Pinkston, Robert Broers,

Frank Hargrove, Tim Drake, Kelly Thompson, Epi Tellez,

Blake Cheever, Isaac Guerrero, Jorge Vasquez, Juan Venegas,

Jorge Hernandez, David Contreras, Cody Hartwick, Nibardo Barba,

Jesus Camacho-Montoya, Francisco Garcia-Reyes


Randy Rojas

Business Representative


