Honoring DC16 Veterans!

Posted November 7, 2023

Taylor Wesson
Local Union 12
Floor Coverer

Air Force

Taylor served in the Air Force from 2009 to 2015 as Security Forces on several tours overseas, one of them being in Afghanistan. Taylor is a 2nd generation Floor Coverer, following in the foot steps of his father who is a retired member of Local 12

Being in the Air Force taught him to have integrity, positive mindset and to uplift as well as motivate others. It also gave him the experience to contribute as a team player to achieve an overall goal which has helped a lot in his new career as a Floor Covering Installer.

Taylor enjoys working the other members at his shop and loves that he gets to work with his Dad; Jim Wesson from time to time. He enjoys the great benefits that he receives as a Union member and also likes how the military and union structure are very similar. He knows that it’s a career that will support him and his family for years to come.

When Taylor is not working he enjoys Fishing, Golfing and training in Brazilian Jujitsu.


Armando Cobarrubias
Local Union 272
Drywall Finisher

United States Marine Corps.
February 2013 – Present

“My dad is the one who got me into the trade. He’s been working as a Drywall Finisher for over
30 years. Every once in a while, I would help him with jobs to the point where I had gained an interest in the trade. The rest is history. The trade has helped give me more financial freedom as well as gain new skills and opportunities due to the classes that the union offers.

Being in the military has given me valuable experience some of which I brought to the union
with me, for example, always being to work on time, always giving it my all, and being aware
of my surroundings at all times. It has also given me the confidence to lead and work together with my peers to accomplish any task.

What I enjoy most about the union is that there is a good amount of trainings one can take to
better their skills or learn new skills that could help or further your career.

In my spare time I enjoy going to breweries with great company.”


Tod (TJ) Gardner
Local Union 272
Industrial Painter

U.S. Army Infantry

“I served 3 years in the US Army Infantry. I joined the trades after I got out following the footsteps of my father and became a taper. Journeyed out as a taper with the economy crash in 2008. I then went back to an apprenticeship to become a commercial painter, and later to settle as an Industrial Painter within the Union. Recently I have been promoted from General Foreman to company Quality Control Inspector for Certified Coatings. The union has benefited my family greatly by providing steady work, training for advancement, health benefits, as well as safety training to make it home safe each day.

While in the military I learned time management and leadership skills. I was also taught to
work well under stress and have a keen attention to detail. The union reminds me of the military in many ways. Most notable is the brotherhood or family aspect and the competitive nature pushing each other to be better every day. Better skilled, better as a unit, better people skills, while also pushing for further education in a true professional manner.

I enjoy family time a great deal, and when I have some time to my self I enjoy working on my
66 tbird and 68 ranchero. I also have played and collected the card game Magic The
Gathering for about 25 years.”

Brother TJ is also a proud father of his son, O’Ryan who currently serves in the U.S. Navy. Please see below photos.


Donald Brandt
Local Union 567

U.S. Army 1979 – Air calvary scout

Brother Donald Brandt honorably served in the U.S. Army and is a proud 3rd generation painter, both his Father and Grandfather had successful painting careers. Being in the Union has brought him steady work and job security that he can count on. Serving in the Army has helped Brother Brandt throughout his Union Painting career by teaching him leadership skills and how to be dependable. What he enjoys most about the Union is the Brotherhood and those he gets to work with on a daily basis. Thank you Brother for your service to our country!


Golden Ticket Event!

Brothers and sisters, Let’s have a fun evening and hear from our leaders on May 8th at 5PM via a zoom watch party at our local union hall! General President James Williams, and Business Manager Secretary treasurer Robert Williams, will be speaking and they will have questions for you all. You and your families are […]

May 06, 2024

New Local 159 Hats!

Members of Local 159. The Executive board has proposed, and members approved the purchase of these three new hat designs.  Join us this Wednesday May 8th at 3:30 pm at the Town Hall to claim your favorite design!

May 06, 2024