You NEED These by Jan 1, 2025!

Posted November 29, 2024

Brothers and sisters,

FINAL REMINDER Please see below for the certifications needed for ALL painters to be dispatched starting on January 1st, 2025.

Please read the information below and do not hesitate to contact me at 831-673-1705

Commercial Painter 

By January 1st, 2025:

– Fall Protection (USACE EM385), including Ladder Safety

– Mobile Elevated Worker Platforms

– Harassment Training


Sixteen (16) hours employer-recommended painter-trade and/or safety education

training, if the above-required training is complete and up to date, If none or only a

portion of the above training is complete, the hours to complete the required training.

above would count towards the minimum sixteen hours.

Pintor Comercial

Antes del 1 de enero de 2025:

Protección contra caídas (USACE EM385), incluida la seguridad de la escalera

Plataformas móviles elevadas para trabajadores

Entrenamiento sobre acoso


Si el entrenamiento requerido anteriormente está completo y actualizado, dieciséis (16) horas de entrenamiento recomendado por el empleador sobre el oficio de pintor y/o educación de seguridad. Si ninguna o sólo una parte del entrenamiento anterior está completa, las horas para completar el entrenamiento requerido anteriormente contarían para el mínimo de dieciséis horas.

Bri Garcia

Local 272 Admin


Jose Luis Rivera

Business Representative 

Local Union 272


Certs Required!

Brothers and Sisters Happy New Year, there are some required certifications to be dispatched as of January 1st, 2025, for Painters, and there is information on required STAR event classes and pension money information. Knowledge is power so please read the posted information below. Thank you for being part of DC16 and Local 741! Have […]

January 07, 2025

Happy New Year

Brothers and sisters We hope that you are enjoying the holidays with your loved ones. Have a very happy and safe new year, CHEERS to 2025!!!!! Bri Garcia Local 272 Admin 831-768-6915 Jose Luis Rivera Business Representative  Local Union 272

December 28, 2024