Why do I pay Union Dues?

Posted August 25, 2023

Sisters and Brothers,

I have been asked by some members from our Local, what do my dues pay for? Or where do my dues go? Why do I pay dues? This is what I have told them; dues are weekly and/or monthly regular payment that comes from members that help fund their Union. Dues help finance day to day union operations such as contract negotiations and enforcement, organizing, supplies and equipment to run the local and some even goes back to the membership to purchase shirts, sweaters, hats etc. which I give to all my members free of charge, most dues are structured at a percentage rate which is common with most Union for example if dues are 1% of gross earnings then the member pays a $1.00 for every $100.00 earned while others for instants like most Public sector workers have dues deducted at a flat monthly rate it all depends on the locals and District Councils. Most union employees are on dues check-off which are deducted from your pay check by your employer and sent directly to the Union or a trust fund, also there is over the counter dues which is the responsibility of the member to pay online or mail to the DC 16 centralized dues. All Unions are required to submit annual financial reports to the Office of Labor management which is a department of the DOL – Department of Labor, any Union with an annual budget of over $250,000 must submit a LM-2 which can be publicly searched online. The Union must also provide annual reports to their membership typically at their union meetings, this is why every member needs to attend their local union meetings so they can stay informed and know where their locals money goes.  

In closing I want to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day! Go out and enjoy your family and friends but most importantly stay safe!

Rich Morales


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Now Hiring!

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