STAR Event 2021

Posted September 7, 2021

STAR Awards Eligibility Rules (as of 6/2021) are as follows:

  • You must have completed 8 hours of Mark Breslin “Survival of the Fittest” training or ICRA/COVID-19 Awareness (in this year or a prior year – one time only)
  • You must have completed at least 16 hours of STAR sponsored training (Survival of the Fittest or ICRA/COVID-19 Awareness counts against this total) during the current training year. If you completed Survival of the Fittest or ICRA/COVID-19 Awareness in a prior year, you must complete 16 hours of training from other available classes.
  • If you cannot attend a scheduled STAR class, you must contact the STAR Program 2 weeks in advance to cancel your registration and avoid penalty. *
  • You must have worked a minimum of 500 hours for a STAR Program contributing employer during the training year.
  • You must be a member in good standing in the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades at the time of the awards event.
  • You must be present to win

* NOTE:  Missing ANY STAR class during the school year disqualifies you from participating in the Early Bird Raffle


1st Place @ SURFACES

The 2025 International Apprenticeship contest took place on January 28th through the 30th in Las Vegas, Nevada at the International Surfaces Event. Apprentices from all over our International Union competed at regional competitions and the top apprentice in each regional won a spot to compete in Las Vegas. District Council 16’s apprentice was Local 12’s […]

February 07, 2025

Bylaws Vote

Greetings brothers and sisters, I hope everybody has received and has read the copy of the District Council 16 Bylaws. We will be voting on them on February 20th, 2025, from 12 PM to 6 PM at 7111 Governors Circle, Sacramento. Please if you have any ideas after we vote on these bylaws, we we’ll […]

February 07, 2025