A great time was had by all aboard the Pinot Noir yacht! We drank We ate We danced We toured the bay If you missed it this year, be sure to register next year!
January 14, 2025Results of the Glaziers Allocation Vote
Posted June 29, 2022
With 73 Votes cast for Option 1 and 70 Votes Cast for Option 2. The Winner by 3 votes was Option 1.
Option 1 below results for the increase of $2.00 as of January 1, 2023.
Increase of $2.00 and adoption of the IUPAT Alt 2 Pension Schedule
Retirement age 55 at 60,000 hours, 1.00% Accrual Rate and
Special Early Retirement at age 60 with 54,000 hours and early retirement with
early retirement at age 65 with 3%.)
– $1.00 to the Taxable Net Wage
– $0.10 IUPAT Pension (5% mandatory increase per IUPAT Constitution)
– $0.22 IUPAT Alt 2 contribution
– $0.33 Glaziers Annuity
– $.0.35 Health & Welfare (money not needed for H&W will go to Wage Equality.)
Some New PLA’s signed recently:
Stack Infrastructure PLA between Holder Construction Group for the Construction of a new data center and advanced manufacturing building located at 2400 Ringwood Avenue, San Jose, California. The total project is approximately 6 acres.
Gilroy Data Center between Skanska USA Building Inc for the construction of two, single story 218,090 square foot data center building located at 8000 Camino Arroyos in the City of Gilroy.
Sunnyvale Responsible Construction Ordinance:
Hard work pays off yet again. Information regarding the Sunnyvale’s Responsible Construction Ordinance is now online, and the ordinance has an effective date of July 1, 2022. Sunnyvale has been notifying contractors of the new requirements for the past three months—the new requirements should not be a surprise.
The information can be found at https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/business-and-development/planning-and-building/permit-center Look for the Responsible Construction Ordinance Effective July 1 under Important Notices.
Thank you
Brett Davis
District Council 16 Business Representative
South Bay Regional Director
2149 Oakland Rd
San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 824-1280