A great time was had by all aboard the Pinot Noir yacht! We drank We ate We danced We toured the bay If you missed it this year, be sure to register next year!
January 14, 2025Recent Activity
Posted September 6, 2024
Sister Angelique Davis opened the 2024 33rd IUPAT General Conference by introducing General President James A. Williams Jr., speaking about the trades and did a phenomenal job! Local 3 is so proud of you, we have truly enjoyed watching you flourish!
Election 2024
As a reminder, please register to vote by clicking https://covr.sos.ca.gov If planning to vote online, the deadline to register is October 21st, 2024 (online or postmarked, if by mail) and if planning to vote in person, you can register at the voting location on Election Day. It’s imperative as a member of the Union to register so we can support candidates that are pro-labor.
Out-Of-Work List
Currently, Local 3 has 9 Drywall Finishers and 13 Painters on the September out-of-work list. As a reminder, if you are still not working the 1st working day of following month you placed yourself on the list, please call the Local any time during working hours (you will not lose your spot if you don’t call 1st thing in the morning) to keep your name in line on the out-of-work list. If you happen to miss the 1st working day, calling the 2nd day forward, your name will fall in line on the list. While out of work, it is highly suggested to call the DC16 signatories (a list can be provided via email or in person) to see if any of the companies are hiring. Another option to see if there is work out there would be to come to the Local’s Regular meeting which are held every 2nd Thursday of the month at 6PM – September 12th is the next!
VAC Opportunity
Local 3 is excited to share that we will be hosting a Health Awareness Fun Run on October 19th, 2024 from 8-11AM at Marina Park; 1400 Monarch Bay Dr. San Leandro, CA 94577. Throw on your tennis shoes to either walk, or run, and join us with your fellow brothers and sisters, family and friends!