Posted May 5, 2023


Sisters and Brothers,

You are invited to come out and join us for the IUPAT Community Day of Action on May 13th, at the San Leandro Marina at 7:30 am. The District Council 16 East Bay Local will be doing a Coastal cleanup and this is a VAC Golden ticket event! So bring your family including children, and remember if you complete 3 VAC events in a year it will make you eligible for the VAC banquet where you will be recognized for volunteering and helping out your community. If your not able to make this event or you live in San Francisco, Sacramento or South bay check the www.dc16iupat.org website and click on “get involved” and check out the VAC calendar and check for an event in your area.

Richard Morales

Business Representative

DC 16 – Local 1176


Help has arrived!!

It has been well documented that workers in construction are struggling with mental health challenges along with substance abuse, alcoholism and suicide (construction has the highest rate of suicide). The IUPAT helping hands has created a recovery night for members and their families to attend on Thursday October 3, 2024, in San Leandro @ 5:30pm. […]

September 09, 2024

33rd General Convention

Brothers and Sisters, I hope this finds you well. The convention kicked off with a touching speech from our sister, who talked about how proud she is of her journey as an apprentice and the personal growth she’s experienced. We covered a lot about the challenges brought by COVID-19 and how IUPAT temporarily waived dues […]

September 09, 2024