Int. Women’s Day

Posted March 10, 2023

Dear members of Local 507 Members,

March 8, 2023, was International Women’s Day, and we want to honor our local female members.

We were able to speak with Elvia Catrino; read her message below:

Elvia Catarino – Local 507 – Commercial Painter – Magnum Drywall

Elvia is in her 8th year in the trade. Joining the union has been life-changing. She is incredibly proud of her career and being able to provide a better life for her family. Elvia never imagined being able to not only be economically stable but also save for her future. Elvia enjoys spending time with her daughter when not working.


Elvia está en su octavo año en el oficio. Unirse a la unión le ha cambiado la vida. Está increíblemente orgullosa de su carrera y de poder brindarle una vida mejor a su familia. Elvia nunca imaginó no solo estar económicamente estable sino también ahorrar para su futuro. Elvia disfruta pasar tiempo con su hija cuando no está trabajando

Additionally, if you know of any women interested in joining the union, please have them call the Local at 4089-824-1280.

