It has been well documented that workers in construction are struggling with mental health challenges along with substance abuse, alcoholism and suicide (construction has the highest rate of suicide). The IUPAT helping hands has created a recovery night for members and their families to attend on Thursday October 3, 2024, in San Leandro @ 5:30pm. […]
September 09, 2024Walter Cantrell Scholarship
Posted January 26, 2024
Local 567 Members,
We have a Local Union 567 Walter Cantrell Scholarship Winner!
Isabel Portillo, dependent of LU 567 member Jose Portillo was one of the 2023 essays selected by the Walter Cantrell Committee to receive a $2,000.00 scholarship. Isabel is currently studying at the University of Nevada Reno under the master’s program as a Physicians Assistant. She plans to use the money to purchase books and supplies required to continue her education. Her goal is to finish the program and stay in Reno to help with the current medical professional shortage the area is experiencing.
Congratulations Isabel! We look forward to seeing all the great things you will accomplish.
In Solidarity,
Chris O’Flaherty