Posted June 7, 2021

Hello all ! Great news Vac are now open!

V.A.C. is finally back: Get involved to make a difference in the communities we live in as well as work in

Volunteer Activist Committee is open again to schedule community based volunteer efforts in all areas. The V.A.C. gets the IUPAT members involved within our communities in a positive light, building relationships with partners in the community as well as congress or city council members or even better the news. This is our time to shine and put such a good light on us as District Council 16 members we are able  to help others and be rewarded for your efforts. This is a way to give back to the places we take our family’s. You can get involved by clicking on the “Resources” tab on the home page to see the calendar. If you would like to set up a V.A.C. event in Contra Costa County, contact

Tony Wiggs is who you would contact for Local 741 V.A.C. events at

