
Posted June 22, 2021

Brothers and Sisters,

We have started to hear that members would like to start to be more engaged with there Union and the V.A.C Program. Over the last year it feels like we have been living in a cave with little social interaction. Members have asked about returning to meet face to face. It is very important that we remember that COVID 19 has and will always have changed our world. We need to make sure that we protect ourselves and our loved ones at all times. We need to change the way we do things and protect ourselves and our family against future issues that may arise. Some of us may consider to wear masks when we are around people we are not familiar with or when we travel. This last week it was very strange to see people without masks and it did make me think about the progress we have accomplished as a society. I look forward to having Regular Union Meetings in person and we will start to set up some V.A.C. events. the V.A.C has new guidelines and applications which you can find on the DC16 Website. If you would like to set up a V.A.C event please get in touch with me. Be safe and have a great summer!

