Upcoming Local meetings and VAC events

Posted November 4, 2022

Sisters and Brothers,

I hope everyone is doing good! Many of you have received text messages in regards to meetings and upcoming VAC events, this is a new tool we at all the local have been using to keep our members up to date, if you have not received any texted messages please reach out to me richard@dc16.us or Stacy at stacy@dc16.us or you contact either us at 510-454-8150 so we can update your contact numbers so with that being said, I would like to invite you to attend this month’s Local Union Meeting on November 15th at 5:30 pm we will be serving food and drink and handing out gift cards for the Thanksgiving Holiday meeting, we will also be handing out gift cards at out December meeting as well so come on out, ask questions and stay informed.

On November 19th at 8:00am to 12:00pm we will have a VAC event in Oakland at Vardese Carter Park it’s the 26th Annual Turkey Drive, we will be assisting the Community Giving Foundation in directing the Seniors, low income and Homeless participate to get their free Health screening and also be handing out free turkeys, so if you haven’t got your three events in take advantage of this one! Hope to see you out there!  please check the VAC calendar by going the website www.dc16iupat.org click get involved and you can more VAC events happening in your area.

Stay safe everyone!

Rich Morales

