It has been well documented that workers in construction are struggling with mental health challenges along with substance abuse, alcoholism and suicide (construction has the highest rate of suicide). The IUPAT helping hands has created a recovery night for members and their families to attend on Thursday October 3, 2024, in San Leandro @ 5:30pm. […]
September 09, 2024Upcoming CBA!
Posted November 23, 2021
Brothers and Sisters,
As we enter the Holiday season, let’s continue to focus on being as safe as we can while preforming daily tasks on the jobsite. Let’s finish the year strong and injury free!
If you are out of work, please call and put your name on the Out of Work List. In the month of November, we have sent back to work 19 Drywall Finishers and 14 Painters from the Out of Work List.
With the Drywall contact expiring next year, a handful of members have taken the initiative and created a Drywall CBA Committee. The goal of the committee is to give members a chance to give their input on the upcoming CBA. Let’s take these conversations we are having on the jobsite and voice them amongst our Brothers. There was an introduction meeting on 11/07/21. Various ideas were discussed. (Photos Below) I encourage everyone to attend the second meeting on 12/5/21. Please contact for details.