Carpet, Linoleum & Soft Tile Workers
Chartered this First Day of June 1938
7111 Governors Circle, Sacramento, CA 95823
Phone: 916-393-2742
Fax: 916-393-0244
Hours of Operations:
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Closed for lunch: 12pm-1pm
New Member?
Call for Appointments
02 / 07
01 / 24
01 / 10
"I have been a member of Local 1237 for over 10 years. I am able to have health care benefits and make a living wage. I have purchased my first home and can comfortably provide for my growing family."
From hospitals to playgrounds, DC16 members are building their communities and making a difference. Volunteer today!
Get right answers to difficult questions
DC 16 connects you with the information and resources you need for success. Find your Local Union Business Representative, links to your specific craft benefits and know your rights as outlined in your craft CBA, Local Union By-Laws, District Council By-Laws and IUPAT Constitution.