TWBN & Upcoming VACs

Posted November 18, 2022

With the Holidays upon us it is a great time to give back and help the community. The West Bay locals continue to partner with Street Life Ministries to feed the less fortunate every 3rd Tuesday of the month. December’s event will be on the 20th. Last years event had a huge turn out so we could use all the help we can get. This is a family friendly VAC and, it’s also a great opportunity to knock out your last VAC of the year. Three (3) VACs get you a invite to the VAC banquet.

Members out DC16, and Union members from across the United States and Canada traveled to Las Vegas Nevada the last weekend in October for the North American Building Trades, Trade Women Build Nations Conference. This event showcased the work countless women have done and continue to do to make the construction trades a more welcoming environment for all workers, and what we can accomplish when we all come together. Over Three thousand (3000) Union members participated in a Banner Parade that went through The Paris Casino and down the Vegas Strip.

