Register Today!

Posted March 14, 2022

Register Today!

Brothers and Sisters we need our voices to be heard. We need to show up and Vote, not only for our Union contracts, but we need to show up at election time! If we do not vote for our Local Government officials then we are not doing our selves any favors. Local officials are the ones we talk with about getting PLA’s on projects or in a certain city or even an entire county. These agreements put us to work and maintain our wages and benefits. If you are not registered to VOTE, PLEASE do so now! If we are not at the table speaking up for our Unions then no one will. If you want to register, please scan the QR code on the flyer or CLICK HERE.

The importance of getting registered to VOTE is more about the Local Races for City Councils, Mayors, School Board Members, and District Supervisors to bring the VOTES we need to put Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) in place, to bring hours for our members. It’s not all about the Presidential Race, lets focus on our local community and what we can do to help ourselves and each other as members

Not voting is giving up your voice:  Elections are decided by the people who go out and vote.

Elections have consequences:  You have the power to decide on the quality of life you want for yourself and future generations.

“Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.”

Susan B. Anthony

