Posted July 19, 2023

Brothers and Sisters,

 The Northern California Painters Master Agreement has been ratified. Although the Bay Area is back to work. We still have to get our addendum ratified. Next, the Sacramento area will be voting on the Sacramento Area Addendum.  Be on the look-out for more information in the coming weeks. The Sacramento Area Addendum expires on July 31, 2023. We will keep you informed as to when the vote will be and what we will be voting on as soon as we have an offer from the employer’s association. I want to remind the members that if we go on strike, no work will be performed in the counties covered by the Sacramento addendum or by Painters from Local 487 unless they are working on a Project Labor Agreement. All Local 487 members will be on Strike no matter where you work. All Local 487 members must report to the Union Hall on the first day of the strike to check in. If you are working on a Project Labor Agreement you must also report to the Union Hall on the first day of the Strike. You will be issued a new dispatch only valid if you pay your strike assessment. See District Council 16 By-laws below.


Section 24.01 In the event of a strike in support of collective bargaining demands, members who are required by the language of the applicable collective bargaining agreement to continue to work during the strike and who will be eligible to vote on ratification of the agreement being negotiated, shall each be assessed an amount equal to two (2) hours wages per day worked.

Section 24.02 Procedures regarding strikes and lock-outs shall be handled in accordance with Sections 249 through 252 of the International Constitution.

Section 24.03 The Executive Board shall make themselves available at all times and they shall be, or they shall appoint, a Strike Committee prior to a strike or lockout.

Section 24.04 All members who are employed by an employer who is signed to an Interim Working Agreement binding the employer to the terms of the successor Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be assessed an amount equal to two (2) hour’s taxable net wage per each day worked during the strike. Those members so working shall register at their respective Local Union on the first (1st) day of the strike and obtain a work referral. Said members shall report to their respective Local Unions on each Saturday and pay their strike assessment and any other assignment in support of the Union and their Brothers and Sisters. Those members failing to timely pay their working assessment, as described above, shall have their work referral revoked.

(a) All monies received from the temporary working assessment shall be accounted for separately and shall be disbursed by the Strike Committee to the members who are performing physical strike and picket duties.

(b) The Strike Committee may require written permission or re-dispatch for all members working under the terms of an Interim Agreement and/or Project Labor Agreements.

Section 24.05 All active members in good standing of the craft on strike must register at their respective Local Unions on the first (1st) day of a strike or lockout, and take the strike assignment given by the Strike Committee. Each member shall check in daily during the strike or lockout for assignment and/or information.

Section 24.06 Any member who fails to register and/or check in daily, and/or perform the strike assignment as instructed as required by these rules shall be cited to appear before the Trial Board of District Council 16

You may choose not to work during the Strike, but you will have to report for Strike duty. The members in the Bay Area were on Strike for 2 weeks so I want everyone to be prepared if we do go on Strike. I hope that we can get a reasonable offer that the membership will agree with so we can continue to work without any disruptions. Ultimately the Local 487 membership will have the final say. Come out and cast your vote to let your voice be heard. Vote what is best for you and your family. I look forward to seeing you all in the coming weeks. 

In Solidarity,

William Gonzalez


718 Holiday Party

A great time was had by all aboard the Pinot Noir yacht! We drank We ate We danced We toured the bay If you missed it this year, be sure to register next year!

January 14, 2025

Refresher Course!

Brothers and sisters, Please see below for refresher courses, remember that all painters need to have the following certifications valid to be dispatched starting January 1st, 2025. Please read the information below and do not hesitate to contact me at 831-673-1705 – Fall Protection (USACE EM385), including Ladder Safety – Mobile Elevated Worker Platforms (Booms & […]

January 10, 2025