It has been well documented that workers in construction are struggling with mental health challenges along with substance abuse, alcoholism and suicide (construction has the highest rate of suicide). The IUPAT helping hands has created a recovery night for members and their families to attend on Thursday October 3, 2024, in San Leandro @ 5:30pm. […]
September 09, 2024Politically Correct!
Posted April 26, 2021
I have been asked many times “what does the union do for me other than collect dues from me?” One of my jobs as your Business Representative is to be politically active at all times. The IUPAT, DC16 and all the local unions in DC16 are always active in the political arena. Mike Greenlee, DC16 Director of Communications, keeps us updated and directs us where we are needed. This past week we spoke in opposition of SB31 (Senate Bill) and AB1218 (Assembly Bill). Both bills would kill jobs and hurt the construction trades. There are so many bills that rank-and-file members never even know about that help create jobs, more work hours and stability for all union and non-union members. We also oppose bills that kill jobs, create an uneven playing field or hurt union members and union contractors. Prior to Covid -19 we would go to the Capitol and make public comments on certain bills or lobby for certain bills by going door to door to speak with our friends of labor and even those who are not friends of labor. Now due to covid-19, we have to call in to make comments. We are continuously walking precincts or phone banking for our friends of labor to get them elected for the betterment of our members. We use the Volunteer Activist Committee (VAC) to help with all these political activities.
I could continue to talk about the importance of being politically active, instead I have one question. Would you do you job for less than you make now? If you said no, then you need to become politically involved. The unions set the prevailing wage, if the Davis-Bacon act was to be do away with, there would be no prevailing. We would still have jobs but we would no longer have a standard wage, just minimum wage. If that doesn’t get your attention then I don’t know what will. As always you can reach me at (916)407-8279.