PLA’s Holiday’s & DDO’s

Posted June 17, 2022

July 1st is a DDO for the following crafts under the Fresno Area Jurisdiction: Painters, Drywall Finishers, Floor Coverers.

July 4th is a Holiday for the following Crafts under the Fresno Area Jurisdiction Painters, Glaziers, Drywall Finishers and Floor Coverers.

Have a safe and HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!


Brothers and Sisters please be sure to pay attention to this statement!!!! We are finding that a lot of our members when getting laid off are not putting their names on the out-of-work list. This is vital as it will interfere with your opportunity to get a referral to go to work. Please remember the following.

  1. When getting laid off from work Call the Local Union during regular Business Hours and PLACE YOUR NAME ON THE OUT OF WORK LIST. ( You do not have to come in just simply call)
  2. You must call in at the beginning of each month. Example: If you receive a Lay Off on July 5th and you call the Local and put your name on the out of work list and come August your still not working you must call in to reclaim your spot on the out of work list on the first Business Day at the beginning of the month.
  3. How does the out of work list operate. Basically two ways: An employer may contact the Local and ask for you by name, In this scenario your name could be anywhere on the list and as long as you are in good standing you will be referred. The Other scenario is an Employer will contact the Local and say I need a TWO Journeymen and an apprentice, when this happens we go off the top of the list of members in good standing.
  4. Also please remember that occasionally the Unemployment Development Department will reach out to the Local Union to confirm you are out of work and seeking work through the Union. If you are out of work and not on the Out Of Work List we will not know and our response will have to be He or She is not on the out of work list.

So there you have it in a nut shell. Also remember if you go to work for an employer you must retain a work referral from the Local. This is for your protection as a member.


As a reminder, City of Fresno residents are encouraged to apply for assistance if they are unable to pay the full amount of rent and utilities since April 1, 2020. Eligible renters can receive up to three months of prospective rent. There are 6 Community-Benefit Organizations (CBOs) that will process the applications.

Contact an organization below to get started:

More information:

Reading and Beyond: 559-214-0317
The Fresno Center: 559-898-2565
Centro la Familia: 559-237-2961
Jakara Movement: 559-549-4088
West Fresno Family Resource Center: 559-621-2967
Education and Leadership Foundation: 559-291-5428

