Membership Meetings

Posted May 4, 2021

General Membership meeting: for Local 83

We meet 2nd Thursday of every month at 6p.m.

We are meeting through zoom:

Meeting ID: 928-0596-8704

Password: 00083

Pls Identify yourself when using a phone.

We look forward to seeing you.

Please read the following code of conduct.

District Council 16 is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment.  We ask that all meeting participants be respectful and orderly during this meeting. It is understood that this virtual meeting room is a private place and there shall be no backgrounds, signs, posters, screen names, slogans, or logos that can be interpreted as offensive to any group or groups of people. Any member who enters the meeting in a state of intoxication, or who disturbs the harmony, or who uses profane or unbecoming language may be removed from the meeting by the Chair. Please make sure all devices are muted unless you are speaking. Any questions will be recognized through the Chair by attendee raising their hand via the reactions tab or comments in the chat. There shall be no video or audio recordings of this meeting. Please understand that video conference meetings bring new challenges, and we ask for your patience as we try to provide the best experience possible.


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