March Events

Posted February 9, 2024

Hello brothers and sisters.

 There are a couple of events that are coming up in March. The VAC Banquet will be March 2, 2024, if you qualified you should’ve received your invitation already. In March, I will be attending the California State Building Trades Convention in Sacramento. This convention helps set the guidelines and the agendas for the California State Building Trades for the next five years. One of the other conventions that I will be attending is the California Joint Legislative Conference in Sacramento. This convention features some of the notable organizing efforts that have been held throughout California. In April the North American Building Trades Conference will be held in Washington DC. This conference will be spotlighting Building Trades and political action. The last big convention is at the end of August and it is the IUPAT  General Convention. At this convention the IUPAT will set the guidelines for the District Council and Local Unions Bylaws to be drafted and go over their goals/agenda for the next five years. Lastly please make sure you get all of your certifications in place so you can be re-dispatched out. Stay safe and I hope to see you at the next union meeting.

  Safe Travels

  John Tweedt

 Regional Director



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