The 2025 International Apprenticeship contest took place on January 28th through the 30th in Las Vegas, Nevada at the International Surfaces Event. Apprentices from all over our International Union competed at regional competitions and the top apprentice in each regional won a spot to compete in Las Vegas. District Council 16’s apprentice was Local 12’s […]
February 07, 2025LU 2001 By-Laws
Posted January 5, 2021
- By-Laws FAQ’s
- Who votes on the DC 16 Bylaws? All Members within the Jurisdiction have DC16 vote on the Council Bylaws. This is a Council wide vote because these bylaws govern the rules and regulations for all council wide positions, boards, and members.
- Who votes on the Local Union 2001 Bylaws? These Bylaws are only voted on by members of Local Union 2001. These bylaws govern Local 2001 positions, boards, and members.
- When do we vote on the bylaws? The Council bylaws must be passed before we can vote on the Local bylaws. Currently the Council is hoping to have the Council Bylaws ready to vote in January 2021.
- Can our Local Union Bylaws say whatever we want them to say? No, Our Local Union Bylaws cannot contradict anything in the IUPAT Constitution or the DC16 Bylaws. For example, If the DC16 Bylaws state that no member can work without a current dues card, our bylaws cannot state that a member can work without a current dues card. Our Local Union Bylaws must be approved by both the International and the District Council.
- Are we going to have to start paying over the counter dues? Over the counter Dues are established in the Local Union Bylaws. Our current bylaws require all members who work less than 55 hours a month to pay over the counter dues of $44.85/month. The new proposed bylaws would lower the monthly dues to $38.00 per month for all regular members regardless of hours worked.
- Where does the dues that are taken off of our checks go? The dues that come from your check (dues check-off) is governed by the DC16 bylaws and is the same percentage for all members working within the Council. This is used to fund the Council. A portion of this check off is given back to the local to be used to fund the Local’s operating costs.
- Why are over the counter dues being changed in the new proposed bylaws? The current dues structure in our existing bylaws is in violation with the IUPAT Constitution. Sec.93(a),(2) Regular Local Union Dues: All Local Unions shall have regular monthly dues equal to no less than the per capita tax payable to the International Union and any per capita tax or other amount owed monthly to the District Council. That same section also states: All regular Local Union dues shall be a flat monthly rate and shall not be expressed as a percentage of wages or a set amount per hour worked. The changes made in the proposed LU2001 Bylaws puts our local back into compliance with the IUPAT Constitution and allows our Local to build reserves and become fiscally independent.
- Where does the Over-the-Counter Dues go? The over-the-counter dues go to pay the per capita taxes due each month to the International, the southern Nevada Building trades, Western Reginal Conference, and the Southern Nevada Central Labor Council. This money does not go to or fund any part of the Local or the District Council.