What’s New in 1237?

Posted October 23, 2020

Local 1237 have been extremely busy and I don’t see it slowing down anytime soon.  Currently we have the following projects going in various stages; O st (10 stories), P st (20 stories), Sac State Housing (284 apartments), the Community Theatre and the Sacramento Convention Center.  Anderson and ProSpectra are looking for journeyman and a few apprentices.  ProSectra recently opened a new shop in Sacramento and are looking for in-house installers.  If you’re not working please call the office and put yourself on the Out of Work List.  Since March when Coivd-19 altered how the local’s office works, District Council 16 has hired 2 new Office Administrators, Annette Fejeran and Victoria West.  Annette and Victoria have hit the ground running and are an making much needed changes in how the office is run.

The By-Laws Committee has been meeting since February and have a rough draft. They will be working to finalize the By-Laws and present them to the members for ratification in November or December.  Notices will be mailed to all members about time and date of ratification vote.  Soon after the first of the year all DC16 locals will be part of centralized dues. This will mean that all dues will be collected by going to the new DC16 website. The website will be a one stop shop for all DC16 members.  You can pay dues, put yourself on the Out of Work list and find links to the pension fund, health and welfare office, etc. 

The DC16 staff has been very busy working on the election.  We have interviewed candidates and gone over ballot measures and have recently texted links to all members on DC16 endorsements in your area.  Voting in all elections is important, but it’s more important that we vote for labor friendly candidates, support measures and bonds that support our union and create work hours.  I can’t stress enough how much your vote counts.  I wouldn’t let someone else pick where I live or what car I drive, so why would I let someone else pick who runs the country, state or city.  If you think you’re too busy to vote then all your saying is “I don’t care”.  I have been an absentee voter for over 15 years because voting for the right people is that important to me.  Voting for labor friendly candidates helps me provide for my family.  Get out and Vote!


Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Gong Xi Fa Cai! (Gung hay fat choy) Happy Lunar New Year and welcome to the year of the Snake. Local 3 will be participating in the 2025 Oakland Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade, Saturday, February 22nd, 2025, from 11:00-1:00pm at Wilma Chan Park. 810 Jackson St. Oakland CA. This will be a VAC event […]

February 10, 2025

Now Hiring!

We are now hiring for several positions. Find below detailed information and read thoroughly as each position has specific criteria for applicants. We will not be accepting applications outside the mentioned Local Unions or Regions. Application process and bootcamp requirements for all job postings is located at the bottom of this page. We look forward […]

February 10, 2025