Brothers and Sisters Happy New Year, there are some required certifications to be dispatched as of January 1st, 2025, for Painters, and there is information on required STAR event classes and pension money information. Knowledge is power so please read the posted information below. Thank you for being part of DC16 and Local 741! Have […]
January 07, 2025Let’s Give Something Back
Posted May 5, 2023
Brothers and Sisters,
I hope this article finds you doing well. Spring is here and we have an opportunity to give back to the community. On Saturday May 13th we will be participating in the IUPAT DC16 Day of Action. We will meet at 8:30 am at McKinley Park Rose Garden (3255 H St.) and we will be cleaning and doing some much needed maintenance. I hope to see you there. This is a VAC golden ticket event. We are currently looking to fill the vacant Executive Board position Member at Large. We will have nominations in June and elections (if necessary) in July. Here is the notification card that will be mailed this week.
To All Members of Local 1237,
Please consider this official notice that Local 1237 shall convene for the purpose of holding nominations for vacant E-Board position. One (1) Member at Large Per Sec 215. of the IUPAT Constitution.
Nominations will be held on Elections will be held on
DATE: June 6, 2023 DATE: July 6, 2023
TIME: 5:30 p.m. TIME: 5:30 p.m.
PLACE: 7111 Governors Circle PLACE:7111 Governors Circle
Sacramento, CA 95823 Sacramento, CA 95823
Tim Ringor
Below are upcoming important dates:
May 26th – DDO Memorial Day
May 29th – Memorial Day
June 16th – DDO Father’s Day
June 30th – Master Flooring Agreement expires
July 31st – Sacramento Addendum expires
Randy Rojas
Business Representative