Holiday Events and Meetings

Posted November 18, 2022

Greetings brothers and sisters. I hope this article finds everyone in good health and wishing you a prosperous holiday season. A couple of events that Local 767 will be working on through the holiday season include the “December Random Acts of Kindness” which will be held at Local Union Hall 228 in Marysville and will include providing food and some Christmas gifts for homeless students and their families. Please contact me if you would like to assist in making this event great. Operation Christmas Basket is anther event we are happy to be participating in. If your family would like to participate or could benefit from this program, please contact our office as soon as possible.

 The Retiree Holiday Luncheon will be held on December 13th at 11:30am at the Union Hall. Invitations have been mailed out please be on the look out for them and call our office to RSVP with Puni. We are extremely happy to finally be able to have Local 767s Holiday Meeting once again. The Holiday meeting is scheduled on our normal meeting night (December 13th at 5:00) Please join us for our meeting and dinner. We’d love to see everyone there!

Happy Holidays.

Regional Director

John Tweedt.

