The DC16 STAR Awards Event was a huge success! Over 4,000 members and their families attended the awards event held in Pleasanton, CA and over 450 attended the awards event in Las Vegas, NV. Many walked away with some great prizes such as gift cards, play stations, iPads, cars, trucks and more. Thank you to […]
September 25, 2024Help Wanted!
Posted September 20, 2024
Brothers and sisters,
We currently have an opening for Treasurer and for 1 Member at Large. Per the Local 1237 By-Laws the duties are;
Duties of Treasurer Sec. 203. (a) The Treasurer shall receive from the Financial Secretary all monies collected, on a timely, but not less than weekly, basis and give receipt for the same in the manner prescribed in Section 200. The Treasurer shall make no disbursement without the sanction of the Local Union and then only by warrant or check, signed by the Treasurer, and either both the President and Recording Secretary or either the President or Recording Secretary as determined by the Local Union in its Bylaws; the Treasurer is authorized with the consent of the Local Union to deputize such function in his or her temporary absence to a qualified member. Along with the President and Recording Secretary, the Treasurer shall be strictly guided by the provisions of Section 177.
Section 6.02
(h) Member at Large (two (2)): A Member at Large duties shall be to serve at the will of the membership and will be directed by the President to fill the various positions as needed.
Per the Local 1237 By-Laws the compensation is;
Section 9.1
(e) Treasurer: Shall receive $35.00 per Executive Board Meeting attended, plus $25.00 General Membership Meeting attended, paid by check.
(h) At Large Executive Board Members: Shall receive $35.00 per Executive Board Meeting attended, plus $25.00 per General Membership Meeting attended, paid by check.
If you have any questions or would like to talk about the vacant position or what the Executive Board does, please give me a call at (916)407-8279.
Randy Rojas
Business Representative
DC16/LU 1237