Have you accessed your Vacation Pay?

Posted February 11, 2022

If you’ve worked for one of our contractors and are a 60% apprentice or higher, you receive hourly Vacation Pay. If you have never accessed your OE Federal Savings Vacation account, please contact the Credit Union today at (800)877-4444, or your Local branch at 775-856-2727.  To keep your account active, OEFCU needs to hear from you as soon as possible.

Vacation Pay on deposit at the Credit Union that is not accessed at least onetime within a 12-month period becomes “dormant” and subject to escheatment.  State Law requires all accounts that do not have member contact in a three or more year period to be turned over to the State (this means more paperwork for everyone). This money is yours, you earned it- access it today!

NOTE: If you access your OE Federal account on a regular basis (or at least once per year) this State Law does not apply and no action is required.

