Fresno County Voters Choice Act

Posted octubre 20, 2020


In early 2019, the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters held community meetings to explore whether or not Fresno County should convert to the Voters Choice Act (VCA) model.  At the same time, the County was preparing to purchase a new voting system.  Based on input from the community meetings, communications from the counties who had or were considering conversion to the VCA and the Secretary of State office, Brandi Orth, County Clerk/Registrar of Voters, recommended to the Board of Supervisors that Fresno County convert to the VCA model and the Board approved the conversion in March, 2019.

The conversion will be effective beginning with the March 2020 election.  Once the conversion takes place, all voters will receive a Vote-by-Mail ballot which can be returned by postage-free mail, drop off boxes or vote centers, which will be equitably distributed throughout the county.  Vote centers will provide a high level of service and will be open for 11 days or 4 days, including weekends.  Three community committees are working with the Elections Department staff to determine the locations of vote centers and drop boxes.  The VAAC, Voter Accessibility Advisory Committee focuses on issues related to accessibility for our voters with disabilities.  The LAAC, Language Accessibility Advisory Committee focuses on issues related to voters who speak languages other than English.  The VCAAC, Voters Choice Act Advisory Committee focuses on general issues related to the VCA conversion including siting vote centers and drop boxes and general communication with voters about these changes. 

