Contract Negotiations

Posted July 30, 2021

Brothers and Sisters,

We are one year away from the end of this current contract.  The current contract was negotiated in 2019 and was worth $9.00 over 3 years.  This is the first time in years that we were offered the same yearly increase as the Bay Area.  We did have to agree to use a base wage on overtime only.  With that being said, I need your input on what you want in a new contract.  Some things that we need to think about is per diem, overtime, shift work (currently time and 20%) and DDO’s.  I started this week going to jobsites asking members what they want in a new contract, what parts of the contract don’t work for them and if they like the direction the union is headed.  I will eventually be sending out questionnaires out in the mail and I would be grateful if you send them back.  It’s never too soon to start preparing for negotiations but I really need your input.  If you want certain things in the contract this is the time to be vocal about it.  Waiting until the contract has been ratified and then complaining about, it does none of us any good.  Pleas be part of the process.  As usual you can reach me at (916)407-2879.  I’m curious who reads this article.  So, the first Local 1237 member who calls me will get 2 limited editions 80th anniversary hats and an American Made Buck Knife with the Local’s name on it.

