Childcare for apprentices and Pre-Apprentices

Posted December 16, 2022

Childcare Stipend Grant Funding Opportunity for Apprentices and Pre-Apprentices

The California Department of Industrial Relations’ Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DIR/DAS) has released $25 million in funding to support women and people from underserved communities who work in the construction industry as apprentices or pre-apprentices and are burdened by childcare costs. This grant is also intended to expand outreach to women and underserved populations. The money can be used in a variety of ways, including: direct stipend to apprentices and pre-apprentices, help with creating a childcare program, daycare reimbursement, and in-home childcare costs.

The applications for funding are due on January 12, 2023.

The SBCTC will provide support in writing these applications for free through our partnership with Strategy Workplace Communications. We have already spoken to many of you, but we wanted to reach out once more. Jeremy Smith from our staff is happy to set a time to speak to you about the grant and answer any questions you might have. There are some next steps with this grant over the next 35 days that he will talk to you about. For now, we just want information from you about your interest in being part of this grant.

Please let Jeremy know by Wednesday, December 14th if you are interested in applying for this grant by contacting him at


1st Place @ SURFACES

The 2025 International Apprenticeship contest took place on January 28th through the 30th in Las Vegas, Nevada at the International Surfaces Event. Apprentices from all over our International Union competed at regional competitions and the top apprentice in each regional won a spot to compete in Las Vegas. District Council 16’s apprentice was Local 12’s […]

February 07, 2025

Bylaws Vote

Greetings brothers and sisters, I hope everybody has received and has read the copy of the District Council 16 Bylaws. We will be voting on them on February 20th, 2025, from 12 PM to 6 PM at 7111 Governors Circle, Sacramento. Please if you have any ideas after we vote on these bylaws, we we’ll […]

February 07, 2025