Can you Make a Difference?

Posted April 25, 2022

Brothers and Sisters,

The weather is starting to get warmer and people are starting to do more public outdoors activities. I was at a VAC event and it was so great to see our members engaging in our communities to promote this great program. The last couple of years with COVID seem to be a fog. It is funny because I say and hear others say that COVID years didn’t count. I really have to look at that statement and wonder what that means. For most of us the construction industry slowed a little but carried on. It is true that many of our family members did lose their jobs and our social life was hampered but hopefully we learned a lesson. In our future we may have to endure things that we might never have thought possible so please take your time with your family and be safe!

Please check the VAC calendar on the DC16IUPAT.ORG website and enjoy the opportunities to help others!


John Tweedt

Regional Director
District Council 16
Glaziers Local 767

