Be ready to vote on your contract

Posted March 25, 2024

Brothers and Sisters,

I hope this finds you well.

Work started to pick up more here in the Valley. We’ve received some requests from companies, so that’s good. I’m glad I was able to talk to the members that came and picked up their dispatch, I was so happy to see them back to work!

Remember that we have a contract to vote on at the end of the month, we still don’t know what day but be ready to vote. Remember to not take any vacations around that time and the weeks following, just in case we go on strike. We’re gonna need all your support.

We had a great turn out for the St. Patrick’s Parade VAC event, so glad to see a lot of new faces supporting our local. Thank you.

Please, remember to sign up for the cove class that’s in June, we want to have more classes but if members don’t attend it, they won’t put on any more classes.

It’s been an interesting week, got to meet with other employers, we’re making sure they pay your right hours, time differential and all that. If you have any questions about that please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

My phone number is: (702) 403-0700 Email:

