Are Your Safety Certifications Up to Date?

Posted April 28, 2023

Brothers and Sisters,

I would like to remind all Local 83 members to consider obtaining or updating their safety certifications. Basic safety certifications all members should have include 1st Aid/CPR, Booms & Lifts and OSHA 30. There are several reasons why having a safety certification can benefit you and our Union as a whole.

First, a safety certification demonstrates that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to prevent and manage potential safety hazards. This can help minimize workplace accidents and injuries, and ultimately contribute to a safer work environment for everyone.

Second, obtaining a safety certification can enhance your professional development and increase your career opportunities. It shows that you are committed to the field and have taken the initiative to continue learning and expanding your skillset.

Finally, many job sites currently require safety certifications. We can effectively compete in the market and win more business opportunities. I encourage you all to take advantage of the DC16 STAR program and pursue relevant safety certifications in your area of expertise.

Thank you for doing your part to uphold the importance of maintaining our High Performance, High Value standard as we strive for a safer and more competent workforce.

In solidarity,

Brent Hudson

Business Representative Local 83

