Your Vote Matters!

Posted March 14, 2022

The mid-term elections are approaching fast and its time for us to get politically active. Believe it or not, politics plays such a huge role in what we do as Union Floor Coverers. How many of you have worked at a school, a county hospital, a fire station, a military base, or some type of a government building? If you did, it was most likely under a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) or City Wide Agreement (CWA) which gives our signatory contractors a much better and fair shot at getting this work which in return, puts you as Union member to work. In order for us to get PLA’s and CWA’s, we need to elect labor-friendly candidates who are going to look out for our best interests. Right now in Santa Clara County and San Benito County there is $41 billion dollars allocated to 14 project labor agreements! That’s a lot of man hours for our pensions and benefits for years to come.

So when myself or Anthony ask you for help to pass out flyers or make phone calls for a political candidate, please know that we have interviewed and know that the candidate has our unions best interest in mind. If you want to get involved please reach out to Anthony or myself. If you are not registered to vote and you are eligible to, I highly encourage you to get registered. Anthony and myself are always available if you have any further questions.

Best Regards,

Steven Belong
Business Representative
DC 16/Local Union 12
2149 Oakland Road
San Jose, Ca 95131


Upcoming Events

Brothers and Sisters, I hope this finds you well. On May 8th, we’re going to have this amazing event where all our providers, like the pension, insurance, credit union, chiropractor, are going to come here and provide useful information. Also, our General President Jimmy Williams and our Business Manager Robert Williams are going to give […]

May 03, 2024

Have you heard about the new rules about certs you must have next year??

What’s the deal? Most importantly…. Effective January 1st 2025 Journeyman Painters MUST have these three certifications (through STAR) to be dispatched at all. All of this information can be found in the Northern California Painters Master Agreement in Article II Section 15. (You can find the specifics here: ) What certifications? The certifications will […]

May 03, 2024